- Thank you for your interest in becoming licensed with Phi Theta Alpha National Service Sorority, Inc.! Phi Theta Alpha National Service Sorority, Inc., claims exclusive ownership to its trademarks, and only licensed vendors have the right to use these marks commercially. We partner with The Frat House Network, Inc. to help us manage our licensing program and the use of our trademarks.
- Once your application is completed, We will release the License Agreement to you for electronic signature. When you sign it, it’s automatically sent to the National Office of Phi Theta Alpha National Service Sorority, Inc., for review and final approval, with The Frat House Network’s recommendation.
- Our annual renewal fee is $5,000. The annual renewal fee will give you the ability to utilize all trademarks sanctioned by our organization.
- Again, thank you for your interest in Phi Theta Alpha licensing program. We encourage you to submit an application soon!
- Please feel free to contact our licensing partner, The Frat House Network if you have any questions about the application process or the licensing requirements. They are glad to assist you through the process.